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Commission on the Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Board Information

Health and Human Services
The commission shall be a resource to the commonwealth on issues affecting grandparents raising grandchildren in the commonwealth. In furtherance of that responsibility, the commission shall: (1) foster unity among grandparents raising grandchildren communities and organizations in the commonwealth by promoting cooperation and sharing of information and encouraging collaboration and joint activities; (2) serve as a liaison between government and private interest groups with regard to matters of unique interest and concern to grandparents raising grandchildren in the commonwealth; (3) assess programs and practices in all state agencies as they affect grandparents raising grandchildren, as the commission deems necessary and appropriate; (4) advise executive and legislative bodies of the potential effect of proposed legislation on grandparents raising grandchildren, as the commission deems necessary and appropriate; (5) investigate the merits of the establishment of a state agency dedicated to grandparents issues and determine how such agency would be set up; and (6) identify issues that are faced by relatives, other than parents, who are raising children.
Mr. John Lepper
2 year terms
The members of the commission shall receive no compensation for their services, but shall be reimbursed for any usual and customary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

Board Members

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Commission on the Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Board Members
Member↓↓Seat NameAppointing AuthorityTerm End Date
Ms. Ann E. BehraveshSeat 1GovernorJanuary 12, 2022
Secretary Alice BonnerSecretary of Elder Affairs DesigneeEx Officio-
Ms. Margo CheversSenate Minority Leader DesigneeEx Officio-
Representative Paul DonatoSpeaker of the House Designee 1--
Deborah Dowd-FoleySecretary of Elder Affairs Designee 2Ex OfficioJune 19, 2019
Ms. Lynn A. GirtonSecretary of Elder Affairs Designee 3Ex Officio-
Ms. Carmencita GonzalezSeat 2GovernorJanuary 12, 2022
Ms. Maura HealyAttorney General Designee--
Ms. Patricia A. KeithSenate President 1--
Senator Barbara L'ItalienSenate President 2--
Mr. John LepperHouse Minority Leader DesigneeEx Officio-
Commissioner Linda SpearsCommissioner of DCF DesigneeEx Officio-
-Speaker of the House Designee 2--